What Are Embedded Systems + How to Work with Them

Stand Alone Embedded Systems are independent systems which can work by themselves they don’t depend on a host system. It takes input in digital or analog form and provides the output. Many ICs in embedded systems are VLSIs, and the use of the VLSI acronym has largely fallen out of favor. The advantages and disadvantages are similar to that of the control loop, except that adding new software is easier, by simply writing a new task, or adding to the queue.

They work collaboratively with developers and provide technical assistance to clients and other departments. Embedded systems engineers also create and maintain documentation of projects and procedures. One thing that they all have in common is that they are task-specific. The following bulleted list outlines a few more shared characteristics of embedded systems. The only way to make sure embedded systems are safe and secure is through testing.


Today’s cameras also store the images in bits and send them to other devices such as a computer or USB flash drive. While analog cameras use photograph films to capture and store the images, digital cameras do not need external parts. Some of the cameras https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ can also detect humans, faces, motions, etc. They can also be programmed to add features such as effects and masks to human faces. Embedded systems are used for various areas in our daily life and industries such as the military, health, and automation.

which of the following are examples of embedded systems

Consider earning a certificate from an online specialization like Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems. Embedded systems engineers possess a combination of technical and workplace skills. Then, the following sections sort technical skills into two categories—programming and design. Consider using the checklists below to identify areas of focus for your study. Embedded systems are often required to execute their intended function within a specific time frame to keep the larger system running properly. End products are limited by size and weight, which can impact hardware selection.


The 8080’s successor, the x86 series, was released in 1978 and is still largely in use today. In 1965, Autonetics, now a part of Boeing, developed the D-17B, the computer used in the Minuteman I missile guidance system. It is widely recognized as the first mass-produced embedded system.

A Real-Time Embedded System is strictly time specific which means these embedded systems provides output in a particular/defined time interval. These type of embedded systems provide quick response in critical situations which gives most priority to time based task performance and generation of output. That’s why real time embedded systems are used in defense sector, medical and health care sector, and some other industrial applications where output in the right time is given more importance. An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software designed for a specific function. The systems can be programmable or have a fixed functionality.

Medical Devices

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Modern embedded systems are often based on microcontrollers (i.e. microprocessors with integrated memory and peripheral interfaces), but ordinary microprocessors are also common, especially in more complex systems. In either case, the processor used may be types ranging from general purpose to those specialized in a certain class of computations, or even custom designed for the embedded system definition application at hand. A common standard class of dedicated processors is the digital signal processor . It is embedded as part of a complete device often including electrical or electronic hardware and mechanical parts. Because an embedded system typically controls physical operations of the machine that it is embedded within, it often has real-time computing constraints.

Examples of embedded systems

These medium Scale Embedded Systems are faster than that of small Scale Embedded Systems. Integration of hardware and software is complex in these systems. Java, C, C++ are the programming languages are used to develop medium scale embedded systems. Different type of software tools like compiler, debugger, simulator etc are used to develop these type of systems.

which of the following are examples of embedded systems

Program instructions written for embedded systems are known as firmware. Firmware is stored in read-only or flash memory and is small in size. Embedded systems can have little memory and may or may not have keyboard and screen.

Learn more about embedded systems with Coursera

My article on 8 things for learning embedded system programming can help you in getting starting with your Embedded Systems Project. The embedded system which can do large-scale works with multiple bit chips is known as sophisticated embedded systems. The complexity of hardware and software is very high in these systems. In sophisticated embedded systems, hardware and software are assembled together on large scale and designing of hardware products is also included in these systems. It is difficult to program to embed systems and they use intelligent code to operate.

  • They receive the input from every part using sensors and decides the reaction.
  • They work collaboratively with developers and provide technical assistance to clients and other departments.
  • I hope you already have the idea of embedded systems but if you don’t then you can find the introduction to embedded systems in my previous article What is Embedded System?
  • Some of these systems perform basic utility functions and others provide entertainment or user-facing functions.

Embedded systems have low processing power as compared to a personal computer. Embedded systems can handle a limited amount of data as compared to computer systems. Such systems are often called “real time” or “event driven” since they must react in a timely fashion to real world events.

Examples of Embedded Systems in Daily Life

This embedded system has bit microprocessor or microcontroller with external RAM and ROM They can perform medium to complex level works. The integration between hardware and software is complex in these embedded systems. Programming languages used to develop medium scale embedded systems include Java, C, Visual C++, debugger, C++, RTOS, simulator, source code engineering tool and IDE. The designer of the medium scale embedded system should also know how to use semaphores, queues, mailboxes, pipes, and sockets. Knowing the application programming interface in the RTOS tool for controlling microcontroller is also necessary. Small-scale embedded systems consist of 8-16 bit microcontroller.
